Eating Disorder Awareness Week, 23rd -1st March – Sock it to Eating Disorders!

Sock it to Eating Disorders 

In support of beat’s Sock it campaign.

Wearing the socks. Pink tiny flowers on right foot crossed over blue sock
Wearing the sock for display.
ATS Group work - thoughts on National Story Telling Week
Modelling Sock it to me and dreadlocked Dude!
Sock it to Eating Disorders display. Writing in blue are two quotes from the members who decorated the socks. The pink socks are arranged either side and the blue sock is under the quotes.
Sock it to Eating Disorders visual display, with two quotes from the members along with the odd socks.
Sock it To Eating Disorders display. Tiltle written in the middle of the display in blue and pink marker. Two quotes underneath from members of  the group.  The socks have names written down the display above the two pink socks either side of the quotes. The blue sock is above the quotes in the centre of the display  with the name written either side of it.
Sock it to Eating Disorders! Display. With names of the socks and two quotes from the participants.
ATS craft member sewing two very small orange pom poms onto the top of her pink sock.
Sewing very small pom poms onto the top of her pink sock.
One of ATS craft group writing on her pink odd sock. with different colour fabric markers.
One of ATS craft group writing on her pink odd sock with fabric markers.
One of our ATS craft group cutting out a green felt flower shape for her pink sock.
One of our ATS craft group cutting out a felt flower shape ready to sew onto her pink sock.
ATS craft group member blanket stitching around her green flower with green cotton onto one side of the sock.
Blanket stitching around her flower onto the pink sock.
ATS craft member drawing on a stem for her flower with a brown fabric marker.
Drawing the flower stem on with a fabric pen.

For more information on Eating Disorders Week and the Sock it campaign click the link below